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"Eva Vaništa Lazarević"
Cultural and Therapeutic Landscapes in the Role of Healthy Cities (2024-12)
Ј. Гузијан, Đ. Aleksandra, E. Vaništa Lazarević, M. Malinović, С. Цвијић, Cultural and Therapeutic Landscapes in the Role of Healthy Cities, SPATIUM International Review, No. 52, pp. 14 - 24, Dec, 2024 -
Digital technologies for urban regeneration: A case study of the former Bileća street in Trebinje, Bosna and Herzegovina (2022-06)
J. Guzijan, A. Đukić, E. Vaništa Lazarević, S. Cvijić, S. Radić, Digital technologies for urban regeneration: A case study of the former Bileća street in Trebinje, Bosna and Herzegovina, (In) Tangible Heritage(s) : Design, culture and technology - past, present, and future, (Ed. Howard Griffin) AMPS Proceedings series, 29.1, pp. 369 - 377, Jun, 2022 -
Урбана и градитељска обнова у духу одрживог развоја града Бањалуке - уводна разматрања (2008)
E. Vaništa Lazarević, M. Okilj, Ј. Савић, Урбана и градитељска обнова у духу одрживог развоја града Бањалуке - уводна разматрања, Архитектонско – грађевински факултет Универзитета у Бањалуци, 2008 -
Small Urban Centers as Drivers of Daily Migrations and Agents of Transformation of Rural Hinterland: Example of Blace Municipality (2019-11)
E. Vaništa Lazarević, M. Ivanović, D. Ristić, M. Marjanović, M. Miličević, Small Urban Centers as Drivers of Daily Migrations and Agents of Transformation of Rural Hinterland: Example of Blace Municipality, STED Journal, pp. 71 - 93, Nov, 2019